Friday, November 18, 2011

Adoptera en grek

Det är nu möjligt att adoptera en grek för 5000 kronor i månaden, du får en i gott skick. För denna summan kan han göra allt du inte hinner med:
- han kommer att sova till klockan 12
- han kommer att läsa dagspressen
- han kommer att gå på café och fika
- han kommer att diskutera sport och politik
- han kommer att ta en tupplur på eftermiddagen
- på kvällen kommer han att gå till en restaurang, bar, eller kanske en terass

Den nya valutan i Grekland kommer att kallas för "Zeuro" (engelskt uttal) 

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Samsung SmartTV traffic

My SmartTV does magic things without asking me, like installing new updates to SmartTV, adding apps, removing apps, disabling stuff in the menu, re-enabling it, etc. I've tried to sniff the network traffic it creates in order to find out what to block in order to stop it from communicating with external servers, but not to stop it from streaming movies from my computer. My findings are the following:

-the TV is creating a lot of ARP traffic.

-It tries to communicate over SSDP with which means it's trying to find something by multicasting

No incoming traffic to appears, maybe it's getting the updates over the cable provider's network.
Please comment if you have any more information on how these updates work.

Actually I later realized that all I saw was the broadcast traffic, because of the switched network. I'll have to re-do this next time the TV gets on my nerves with connecting to Samsung and downloading updates.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Undercover Mac

This app really is "undercover". You download it to try it, but there's no trial license. So you uninstall it.

BUT: it leaves behind a system service that still talks to their servers. Just open a console window, or a task manager window, and search for uclocator.

Download Lingon, a launchd editor, find the uclocator service, stop it and disable it. Then go to /Library/LaunchAgents/ and remove com.orbicule.uclocator.plist which is the service descriptor file.
In order to get rid of ALL of it I also removed /usr/bin/uc directory. Now everything should be gone.
Trust noone ;)

Monday, September 05, 2011

Samsung UE46D65 LED TV bugs

So I got my new TV-set and already I found some bugs, even if this model is considered to be among the top Samsung range. The following is probably true for all Samsung sets with the SmartTV function.

1. When manually editing the channel list, you press edit on a channel, and if that same channel exists at a previous channel number, the previous channel number opens up in EDIT mode. Idiotic

2. If a network connection problem exists, you cannot exit the "login to Smart ID" menu. You have to turn off the TV

3. If you turn off the TV during an update, it won't boot again. Unplug powercord and wait a couple of minutes for it to "settle" then plug in the power again and it boots. Pheww ..

4. You cannot remove certain installed software, such as Facebook, Social TV. It ends up in a "special" uneditable place. Arrgh ..

5. You can't actually remove added accounts from the Smart Hub configuration menu (D)

6. You cannot access Smart Hub directly after start, because you get an "Installing" prompt which blocks any other operation for like 3 minutes.

7. The system updates on it own, without your permission. It also installs software that Samsung selects for You. No, thanks, I really don't want that, Samsung..

8. There's no skipping in the media player.

Allow me a couple more days to find more issues ...

A new update auto-flashed, and now I don't have accounts any more, and I can't remove software. Great ..

Sunday, July 03, 2011

Switzerland 2011

Just started a new travel blog for the summer vacation:

Saturday, April 02, 2011

Download HQ or HD video from Youtube and convet to mp3

Well the title says it all. Copy the Youtube URL, and go to where you paste it into the search field. Click the "high definition" mp4 file link to download (sometimes it's just "high quality") but it's going to be enough for the treadmill or car stereo.

When you've saved enough videos to one directory, use the following script to convert them to mp3. You will need faad and lame (or twolame)

#hacked by adrian (at) javaguru [dot] org
if [ -f /usr/bin/faad ]
if [ -z $1 ]
                echo "Usage: mp3-to-mp3 / all"
                exit 0
if [ $1 != "all" ]
if [ -f $1 ]
                echo Processing $1
                faad $1
                #filename change
                echo Filename length: $FNAME_LENGTH
                echo $WAVFILE created. Processing...

                # Running lame encoder
                echo Running lame mp3 encoder with 256kbps and HQ settings
                lame -h -b 256 $WAVFILE

                # process filenames
                mv $MP3FILE $NEWMP3FILE
                echo Deleting intermediate WAV file
                rm -v $WAVFILE
                echo $NEWMP3FILE created. Enjoy!
        if [ $1 == "all" ]
                # removing tag
                find . -name "*keepvid*" -exec rename -v 's/\_\[\]//'$
                find . -name "*.mp4" -exec mp4-to-mp3 {} \;

        echo /usr/bin/faad missing! Exiting

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

OpenSSH root from localhost

restrict root to only be able to use ssh from localhost
Try out following entry:
AllowUsers root@localhost
If the pattern takes the form USER@HOST then USER and HOST are separately checked, restricting logins to particular users from particular hosts.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Packning för MC-resa

Packa smart = det du behöver ofta längst upp
Kolla kedjan - spänn om nödvändigt
Extra pass & pengar i styrändarna
Foto på pass och körkort i GMails inbox kanske redan laddat i telefonen
Whiskey i plastflaska
2-4 öl
Klart visir
Reparationskit (punkaspray, verktyg, straps, multiverktyg, silvertejp)
Liten kedjesprej

Extra handskar, varma
Yllestrumpor Stadium
Extranyckel till motorcykeln, förvaras på annan plats (halskedja)
Tandborste, tandkräm, deo