Start the configuration interface:
To execute some commands You need administrative rights. You do that with "sudo". Example: see the IP and network for the main ETHernet interface:
sudo ifconfig eth0
Switch to administrative user to avoid the need to type in sudo all the time:
sudo -i
Update the system (you need administrative rights, see above):
apt-get update; apt-get upgrade
Edit a configuration file (save with CTRL+X ) :
nano /etc/hosts.allow
Search online for software, for example a media player:
apt-cache search media
You'll get 1000 results, now narrow them down with filtering (| is the pipe sign):
apt-cache search media | grep player (for narrowing down results)
apt-cache search media | more (for listing the results in a program which allows scrolling)
You have now found what you seek. Install VLC
apt-get install vlc
Kill the X-server if you want to go console-only: CTRL+BACKSPACE
When in console mode you might want to have a manual on one "page" and execute stuff on another "page" : Open a new console window with ALT+2 , ALT+3. Switch back to the first with ALT+1
Find a file when you know its name: "find" command , / is the root filesystem
find / -name hosts.allow
Find a file when you only know parts of the filename:
find / | grep hosts
Shutdown system:
Reboot system:
Look at the system logs - change to the log directory, then show one:
cd /var/log ; cat dmesg
cat /var/log/auth.log
Raspberry Pi
Install software for camera monitoring
apt-get install motion
see for more info and documentation